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HC12-based Single Board Computer / Data Logger

The Perfect Balance!

HC12 microcontrollers by Freescale (formerly: Motorola) combine the best of the HC11 heritage (architecture, modules, instructions) with the power of an advanced 16 bit technology. The HC12 provides a direct migration path, so current HC11 users can easily change to higher performance and increased functionality.

The new MCU is designed to maintain complete source-code compatibility with the 68HC11 core. The 68HC12 fully supports all internal registers, instructions, addressing modes, and operating modes of the 68HC11. So porting an application from the HC11 to the new 16 bit platform is quiete simple.

But not only former 8 bit users will be enthusiastic about the HC12. It is also a good choice for beginners, because it's modern, fast and not too complex - just a perfect balance!

The Universal Solution

The HC12compact Controller Module will meet all your expectations of a powerful single board computer. Equipped with a Motorola MC68HC812A4, much memory and numerous peripheral functions, alltogether on a compact multi layer PCB, the HC12compact is suitable for a wide range of applications. For a feature overview of the board please see right column!

TwinPEEKs Monitor

The TwinPEEKs monitor program helps you to implement your software on the HC12compact. The monitor is programmed into the internal EEPROM before shipping. It is ready to use from the moment you turn on the power supply. Communication works over the serial interface (19200 Bd).

TwinPEEKs allows the user to display and edit memory areas and registers and to load S-Record files. The monitor program handles both RAM and Flash Memory, so you can load your programs directly into Flash.

In-System Programming/Debugging

The HC12compact is equipped with a standard 6-pin BDM interface for in-system programming and debugging.

The Background Debug Mode (BDM) of the HC12 MCUs provides a convenient way for debugging and in-system programming. We are offering a complete range of cost-effective HC12 development tools, including ComPOD12/StarProg, NoICE12 Remote Debugger and ICC12 ANSI-C Compiler.

In order to give you a quick start, we have prepared some ICC12 library functions plus a C-startup module providing an initialization sequence suitable for the HC12compact (see download section).

Ordering Information

wird für Sie beschafft
HC12compact Basis Version
175,00 €
wird für Sie beschafft
Option A/D-Wandler 12Bit/11K. für HC12compact
18,50 €
wird für Sie beschafft
Option CAN-Controller SJA1000 für HC12compact
16,00 €
wird für Sie beschafft
Option D/A-Wandler 12Bit/2K. für HC12compact
23,50 €
nicht mehr im Sortiment
Option RTC4553 + LiMn-Batterie für HC12compact

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Letzte Änderung: 2024-12-30