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HCS12 T-Board
Versatile Evaluation Board for Test & Training
Hands-on HCS12!
Freescale's amazing HCS12 Controller Family is an upgrade from the existing 16-bit product line HC12. Compared to the HC12, the new types are faster and more flexible, while the programming model and the instruction set remain the same.
HCS12 Microcontrollers are manufactured with a state-of-the-art 0.25µm process. With this advanced technology, larger memory areas and a rich set of peripheral modules fit on smaller die sizes.
The MCU MC9S12DP512 is the current flag ship of the HCS12 fleet. Special highlights are: 25MHz bus clock rate, 512KB on-chip Flash memory, 14KB RAM and five CAN-Modules. For additional features see the overview on the right.
HCS12 T-Board as EVB
On the HCS12 T-Board there are four header connectors placed around the MCU. All MCU signals are accessible here. Pin-out and mechanical arrangement are compatible to the DP256EVB (Barracuda Evaluation Board) from Freescale (formerly: Motorola).
HCS12 T-Board as Training Board
The compact HCS12 T-Board is equipped with a large number of peripheral functions, which make it easy to do hands-on training and perform real-life tests with the MC9S12DP512 microcontroller. Therefore, the HCS12 T-Board is ideally suited for Evaluation, Training and Education!
TwinPEEKs Monitor Program
Each HCS12 T-Board is equipped with a special version of our TwinPEEKs monitor software, which allows easy download and programming of Flash Memory and EEPROM - without needing additional hardware tools!
The monitor code resides in a write-protected Flash boot block (only 4KB). It can not be erased unintentionally.
The assembly language source code of TwinPEEKs is available on request.
S12X T-Board
S12X is the name of the latest top-branch of Freescale's 16-bit microcontroller family. Derived from the current HCS12-line (which will be continued and offered in parallel by Freescale), the S12X delivers additional performance for demanding applications, e.g. for the automotive area. Higher clock frequency, optimized instruction set, more memory and the new DMA co-processor XGATE are key components of the new S12X technology.
Please note: the S12X board version is currently offered as a hardware item solely, i.e. delivery is without any additional software!
Package Contents
- Controller board with MC9S12DP512 or MC9S12XDP512
- TwinPEEKs Monitor Program, residing in the MCU's Flash Memory Boot Block (*)
- RS232 cable (Sub-D9)
- HCS12 T-Board hardware manual (PDF)
- Assembler, programming tools, collection of data sheets (device guides, application notes), C Compiler demo version and much more on CD-ROM (*)
(*) Note: currently, no software is included with the S12X module version!
Downloads + Links

Microcontroller Info
- MC9S12DP512 MCU with LQFP112 package
- HCS12 16-Bit CPU, Programming Model and Instr. Set same as HC12
- Bus Clock up to 25 MHz!
- 112 Pins, up to 89 I/O-Pins
- 512 KB Flash Memory
- 14 KB RAM
- 2x SCI - asynch. serial Interface (RS232, LIN)
- 3x SPI - synch. serial Interface
- 1x IIC - Inter-IC-Bus
- 5x msCAN-Module (CAN 2.0A/B-compatible)
- 8x 16-Bit Timer (Input Capture/Output Compare)
- 8x PWM (Pulse Width Modulator)
- 16-Channel 10-Bit A/D-Converter
- BDM - Background Debug Mode
- Operating Voltage 5V
HCS12 T-Board Core Functions
- 16 MHz crystal, up to 25 MHz bus clock using PLL
- PCB-layout according to vendor recommendations
- special LVI-circuit (reset controller)
- standard 6-pin BDM-connector for download and debugging
- compact size: approx. 3.2" x 4"

Peripheral Functions on the HCS12 T-Board
- Serial interface incl. RS232-Driver for connection to a PC
- 2nd serial port for IF-Modules (RS232, RS485, LIN...)
- Connection of serial LC-Displays possible via IIC
- 8x indicator-LED
- 8x DIP-switch
- two push buttons
- Analog input with potentiometer
- 2-Channel PWM-visualisation using LED
- Acoustic alarm (beeper)
- High-speed phys. CAN-interface
- Reset button
- 5V on-board voltage regulator, power jack connector
- all MCU-Pins are accessible on four header connectors, layout compatible to Freescale EVB
Ordering Information
nicht mehr im Sortiment HCS12TB/STDHCS12 T-Board MC9S12DP512 Training Board | ||
nicht mehr im Sortiment S12XTB/STDS12X T-Board MC9S12XDP512 Training Board |
Angebot freibleibend, Irrtum und Änderung vorbehalten. Diese gewerbliche Offerte richtet sich nicht an Verbraucher i.S.d. §13 BGB.
Letzte Änderung: 2024-12-30