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HCS12 Single Board Computer / Datalogger
One board - many features!
The S12compact Single Board Computer is built around an highly-integrated 16-bit HCS12 microcontroller unit. The feature list of this Freescale (formerly: Motorola) MCU is already amazing (see right column), but the S12compact module adds even more functions around this sophisticated microcontroller.
Reference Design
The S12compact originally has been designed as part of an HCS12 reference design project. Please visit the ACPRD Project Page to learn more about this Freescale Reference Design.
Peripheral Functions
Most of the board functions are covered by the MCU itself, but there are also five function blocks that provide extended features:
RTC - Real Time Clock
The RTC option provides real-time clock and calendar functions. A LiMn battery supplies the RTC chip if the main voltage fails.
ADC - Analog/Digital Converter
The HCS12 MCU already provides a 10-bit ATD module with up to 16 channels. If higher resolution is required, an external ADC option with 8 channels and 16 bit resolution can be used. This option includes an on-board voltage reference of 4096mV.
DAC - Digital/Analog Converter
For applications where the on-chip PWM (pulse width modulation) capabilities of the HCS12 MCU are not sufficient, the DAC option can be used to provide two analog outputs with 16 bit resolution. The reference voltage is the same as for the ADC option (4096mV).
SDF - Serial Data Flash
To collect and store large amounts of data, a 16MBit Serial Data Flash can be utilized. This additional memory is operated over a high-speed SPI connection. Multiple RAM buffers in the memory device enable data transfers to one buffer while another is beeing written to a Flash sector automatically. This is an ideal solution for sequential data, for instance, in a data logger application.
USB - USB2.0 Full-speed serial Interface
Communication with a PC is a standard task for embedded devices, but more and more PCs today come without RS232 ports. As a universal high-speed replacement, USB is available in most cases. The USB option for the S12compact simplifies the design of USB applications drastically. No special knowledge is required, since the USB option behaves transparently like an RS232 connection. USB communication is handled by the 2nd SCI channel of the MCU. Of course, USB drivers for the PC side (Windows, Linux, MacOS) are readily available.
Downloads + Links
Microcontroller Info
- MC9S12DP512 MCU with LQFP112 package
- HCS12 16-Bit CPU, Programming Model and Instr. Set same as HC12
- Bus Clock up to 25 MHz!
- 112 Pins, up to 89 I/O-Pins
- 512 KB Flash Memory
- 14 KB RAM
- 2x SCI - asynch. serial Interface (RS232, LIN)
- 3x SPI - synch. serial Interface
- 1x IIC - Inter-IC-Bus
- 5x msCAN-Module (CAN 2.0A/B-compatible)
- 8x 16-Bit Timer (Input Capture/Output Compare)
- 8x PWM (Pulse Width Modulator)
- 16-Channel 10-Bit A/D-Converter
- BDM - Background Debug Mode
- Operating Voltage 5V
Board Features
- 16 MHz Crystal, up to 25 MHz Bus Clock using the PLL
- special LVI-Circuit (Reset Controller)
- BDM-Connector for Download and Debugging
- Serial Interface incl. RS232-Driver for connection to a PC
- USB connection: 5-pin Mini-B socket
- Indicator LED
- Audible Alarm (Beeper)
- High-Speed phys. CAN-Interface
- Reset Push Button
- up to 70 digital I/Os available
- eight additional digital inputs
- eight additional digital outputs
- 5VDC power supply
- Compact Size: approx. 3.15" x 3.95" (80mm x 100mm)
Peripheral Functions
- RTC: Real Time Clock and Calendar, Battery-buffered
- ADC: 8 channel 16 bit A/D-Converter (4096mV)
- DAC: 2 channel 16 bit D/A-Converter (4096mV)
- USB: Full-speed USB2.0 serial Interface
- SDF: 16MBit Serial Data Flash
Ordering Information
nicht mehr im Sortiment S12CO/FULLS12compact V1.20 (incl. RTC+ADC+DAC+USB+SDF) |
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Letzte Änderung: 2024-12-30