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HC12 Controller Module with MC912D60A / MC912DG128A
The Red Card
Card12 is a credit card sized controller module with the MC912D60A (optional: MC912DG128A). The 'D60A is a member of Freescale's (formerly: Motorola's) HC12 Microcontroller family. The technical features are amazing (see details on the right!). Most appealing: The 60KB On-Chip Flash Memory and the integrated CAN-Bus Interface.
Two RS232 ports and a BDM interface are available on both our well-known HC812A4-based HC12 Welcome Kit and our new Card12 controller module. The Background Debug Mode Interface of the 'D60A additionally supports Hardware Breakpoints. Debugging using a cost-effective BDM-Pod (for instance ComPOD12) becomes so easy - even with code running in Flash Memory!
TwinPEEKs Monitor Program
Each Card12 controller module is equipped with a special version of our TwinPEEKs monitor software, which allows easy download and programming of Flash and EEPROM Memory - without needing additional hardware tools!
The monitor code resides in a write-protected Flash boot block (only 4KB). It can not be erased unintentionally.
The assembly language source code of TwinPEEKs is available on request.
Card12.DG128A is yet another credit card sized HC12 Controller Module. Actually, it is based on the same PCB but equipped with a different MCU. The MC912D60A got replaced by an MC912DG128A, which provides the following enhancements:
- Two independent CAN interfaces
- 128 KB Flash Memory
- 8 KB RAM
- I2C-Bus Interface
In-System Programming/Debugging
Card12 is equipped with a standard 6-pin BDM interface for in-system programming and debugging.
The Background Debug Mode (BDM) of the HC12 MCUs provides a convenient way for debugging and in-system programming. We are offering a complete range of cost-effective HC12 development tools, including ComPOD12/StarProg, NoICE12 Remote Debugger and ICC12 ANSI-C Compiler.
Downloads + Links
Microcontroller Info
- MC912D60A MCU with LQFP112 package
- 60 KB Flash
- 2 KB RAM
- 2x SCI
- Enhanced Capture Timer
- 4 Channel PWM
- 16 Channel 10 Bit A/D-Converter
- up to 80 binary Inputs/Outputs!
Board Features
- 16 MHz Quarz Clock (8 MHz System Clock)
- Two RS232 Ports with Transceiver MAX232A
- PCA82C250 CAN Physical Interface
- Special Reset Controller
- Reset Switch
- Operating Mode selectable via jumpers
- BDM (Background Debug Mode) connector
- All controller pins are available at two double row headers
- 5V power supply
- Credit card size: 86mm x 54mm
Package Contents
- Controller Module with MC912D60A (MC912DG128A in case of Card12.DG128A)
- TwinPEEKs Monitor Program resides in the MCU's Flash Memory
- RS232 cable (Sub-D9)
- Two 50pin connectors + power connector
- Card12 hardware manual (PDF)
- Assembler, programming tools, collection of data sheets (device guides, application notes), C Compiler demo version and much more on CD-ROM
Ordering Information
nicht mehr im Sortiment CARD12.D60ACard12.D60A Controller Modul mit MC912D60A | ||
nicht mehr im Sortiment CARD12.DG128ACard12.DG128A Controller Modul mit MC912DG128A |
Angebot freibleibend, Irrtum und Änderung vorbehalten. Diese gewerbliche Offerte richtet sich nicht an Verbraucher i.S.d. §13 BGB.
Letzte Änderung: 2020-04-05