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MC68HC908JB8 USB Starter Kit

Take on USB!

Today, nearly every kind of peripheral device for the PC (such as mouse, keyboard, scanner or printer) is available in a USB version. The programmer of embedded software faces a new challange: using the Universal Serial Bus (USB) in the environment of industrial measurement and control.

By integrating USB hardware into PC chipsets the Universal Serial Bus became very widespread. Meanwhile nearly 100% of all new PCs have one ore more USB interfaces. In the future the traditional PC interfaces (serial, printer, keyboard...) will start to disappear and USB will take on their tasks.

The 8-bit Mikrocontroller MC908JB8

The MC908JB8 8 bit microcontroller is a new member of the Motorola HC08 family. It has an integrated USB peripheral module which supports Low-Speed USB communication according to USB specification 1.1. An integrated voltage regulator delivers 3V which is essential for the USB electrical interface. The high degree of integration allows real USB single chip solutions! In addition to supporting USB, the MCU has a number of other interesting features (see list on the right), which make it an ideal solution for a large number of embedded tasks.

USB Reference Design

To provide an easy starting point for you to enter USB technology, we have prepared a complete USB Reference Design. Among other things, this includes both the firmware for the microcontroller and the application software for the PC side. You get all source codes (C/C++) of a demo application which enables you to start your own USB development instantly!

Driver solution provided

To use USB on a Windows PC you will need one of the OS versions 98, ME oder 2000. In addition to the standard Windows drivers a Kernel Mode Driver is required, which is specific to the USB device connected. This is undoubtedly a great barrier especially for Embedded Programmers!

Thanks to the support of the USB specialists at Thesycon (Ilmenau), we can offer a universal driver solution for the USB08 kit. This driver is included in every USB08 starter kit at no extra cost and is based on the powerful device driver class library USBIO.

The latest driver version now also provides VB support (Download see Project Page)!

Ordering Information

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USB08 Starterkit mit HC908JB8 Low-Speed USB1.1 Eval Board

Angebot freibleibend, Irrtum und Änderung vorbehalten. Diese gewerbliche Offerte richtet sich nicht an Verbraucher i.S.d. §13 BGB.

Letzte Änderung: 2024-12-30