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HC08 Welcome Kit
MC68HC908GP32 Evaluation Board
Ready, steady, go!
Undoubtedly, a dream of all beginners in the field of microcontrollers is to open the package during the weekend and then to be able to create programs by Monday. Nothing counts more than motivation - best gained by tools that are reliable and easy to use!
Our Welcome Kits have helped many first time users to get started with microcontrollers successfully - previously with HC11 and HC12 from Freescale formerly Motorola) - and now HC08 as well!.
Highlight Flash Technology
The new HC08 Welcome Kit again is a milestone in price performance ratio. The Welcome Kit PCB carries an HC908GP32, which is an 8-bit controller belonging to the HC08 Family. The available 32KB Program Memory is many times larger than what could be found in the "good old" HC11 family. For the Program Memory now state-of-the-art Flash Technology is used. And a lot more highlights characterize this microcontroller - see list on the right!
Easy serial Programming
Flash Technology allows to program the controller chip even if it's mounted on a PCB ("In-System"). Erasing and programming can be done virtually without limits (10.000+ cycles). Programming is done over a simple RS232 connection. A PC takes care for the download - no special device programmer is needed.
Try it yourself!
With the HC08 Welcome Kit you can start instantly - Evaluation Board, RS232 cable and User Manual (of course containing schematic diagrams) are in the box. And plenty HC08 development software is freely available!
High Speed Flash Loader
The Flash Loader FL08 takes care for easy download: this tool occupies 3.5KB of the internal Flash Memory of the 'GP32 and is capable of downloading program files in Motorola S-Record format nearly ten times faster than the normal "Monitor Mode"!
With the Flash Loader FL08 trying new program versions becomes fun! To load a program with 12KB code it takes less than seven seconds - compared to more than a minute in Monitor Mode!
More software: Compiler, Debugger
ImageCraft has introduced ICC08, a new low-cost ANSI-C Compiler for the Motorola HC08 family. A good companion software is the NoICE08 Remote Debugger.
We are also offering the HC08 C-Compiler from COSMIC Software - please request detailed information!
Downloads + Links

Microcontroller Info
- MC68HC908GP32 MCU with QFP44 package (SMD)
- HC08 CPU with optimized Instruction Set
- Bus Clock up to 8 MHz!
- 44 Pins, including 33 I/O-Pins
- 32 KB Flash Memory
- 512 Byte RAM
- SPI - synchronous serial Interface
- SCI - asynch. serial Interface (RS232)
- 4x 16-Bit Timer (Input Capture/Output Compare/PWM)
- 8-Channel 8-Bit A/D-Converter
Board Features
- all signals of the MCU are available via two header connectors
- standard clock source: PLL using 32 kHz clock xtal
- serial interface (PC or LCD connection) including RS232 driver
- indicator LED
- 5V On-Board Voltage Regulator (requires 9VDC wall plug power supply)
- small wire wrap area for circuit extensions
- reset push button
- compact Size: 100mm x 60mm (approx. 4" x 2.5")
Debugging Support
- complete Monitor Mode Interface circuit on-board
- in-system Flash Programming supported
- quarz oszillator 9.8304 MHz, socketed
- Remote Power-On Reset via serial interface - no need to struggle with jumpers anymore!
- Remote Break via serial interface - running user program can be stopped (invaluable aid during debugging!)
Package Contents
- Evaluation Board with MC68HC908GP32
- FL08 Flash Loader resides in the MCU's Flash Memory
- RS232 cable (Sub-D9)
- 9.8304MHz XO-module (canned crystal oscillator)
- HC08 Welcome Kit hardware manual (PDF)
- Assembler, programming tools, collection of data sheets (device guides, application notes), C Compiler demo version and much more on CD-ROM
Ordering Information
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Letzte Änderung: 2024-12-30